Thursday, August 13, 2009


Please enjoy this slideshow my mom put together of me and Penne. I think it shows us at our most adorableness!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

My Sister

No news on the project today; just wanted to introduce my sister, Penne Pasta (see a theme here with our names?! My mom is obsessed with food!) We call her Penne for short, but my mom usually calls her Pen-Pen. She's a good friend; we are usually inseparable. She takes good care of me; licks my mouth after I drink water, nudges me outside before bedtime so we can go to the bathroom before bed, and is always a willing play mate. Penne was pretty sad when our family's first Lab, Pepper, died, but I have been good company for her, and she has definitely taken me under her paw. Love you, Sis!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Great Day to be a Dog

Truly, who could ask for nicer weather?! My mom and dad took Penne and me for a great walk yesterday, and today I know we are bound to go for another one! Eighty-some degrees and the sun is shining... who could ask for anything more?! My mom is always amazed that, after a killer long walk, I still want her to throw the ball with me in the backyard! I'm so proud to be of a breed whose main characteristics are gentleness and undying energy!
So... with summer coming closer to an end than my mom would like to think about, realistically she and my dad know that The 1000 Lab Project isn't going to happen within a year. I know they are still committed to it in their hearts, but realistically it will take much more than a year to pull off, maybe two... maybe more. But all good things come to those who wait, right? That's what I always try to remember when I'm thinking about my evening bowl of kibble, so I guess that would apply to humans as well. It's okay; I can live with that. I know they can, too.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Why Labs?

Since I just got kicked out of the kitchen because my mom is baking pies and she caught me trying to lick flour off of the counter, I have some time to tell you why she and my dad are thinking about this project being for Labradors only, as opposed to say, a different breed (since my sister, Penne, is a beagle and will be left out of this), or just "The 1000 Dog Project" which would include all dogs. I am the second Lab my mom and dad have had, so they know all about our sweet, gentle, loving nature. They think that large numbers of Labradors have the greatest chance of being peaceable in a situation such as what they are proposing. Also, we are incredibly majestic dogs, one of the most, if not THE most popular breed, and generally very well behaved. And really, can you not just picture 1000 chocolate, yellow, and black beautiful large dogs all gathered together, tongues sticking out and grinning for the camera?! I've been practicing my smile!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Reality... like my teeth... bites!

My mom's been spending a lot of time thinking about school starting now. I know she's procrastinating thinking about The Project, and I guess I can hardly blame her. My dad's deadline for his XBox game entry is coming up, so he's super busy right now, too. There is just so much to think about! I think my mom should grab my favorite ball (orange with teeth mark grooves in it!) and play fetch with me while she prioritizes what needs to be done for The Project. Personally, I myself think giving dog treats to all 1000 Labs should be top priority, but I suppose there is also...

-Establishing a non-profit organization for The 1000 Lab Project

-Putting together a website

-Figuring out space needed for safety and comfort of 1000 Labs and their owners for the event

- Finding a location (Cleveland Browns stadium is just sitting there in the summer time twiddling its thumbs, and it should be large enough for 1000 Labs and their owners... shouldn't it?

- Finding sponsors to advertise and donate things the Labs will need for that day

-Figuring out costs... what the costs will be and how much

-Finding volunteers to help dogs and their owners get into their spots for the picture

-Contacting photographers, especially one for an aerial shot

-Getting vets on call for that day (pro bono... did somebody say "bone"?!)

-Publicity for before and on the day of the event

-Oh yeah... talking to animal shelters to see if they want to be a part of this; i.e. receiving donations collected

-Finding a local publisher to put together the book of the event and etting a local printer for the book

-Safety issues and the involvement of a lawyer to cover everyone's tails (particularly my parents'!)

-Writing disclosure documents so people will take full responsibility of their own Lab on that day (again, help from a lawyer, no doubt)

-Writing guidelines and rules

- Setting up online donations and getting a P.O. box for paper donations

-Making t-shirts for that day, figuring costs, design, printer, and distribution details

Okay... I've done my part! If this black Lab were in charge tails would be wagging already! LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

1000 Tosses and Turns

So apparently when my mom has something big on her mind she doesn't sleep very well. I plopped down last night on my doggie bed beside her but had to listen to her toss and turn all night long. Finally about 2:00 a.m. she went out to the futon where I PREFER her to sleep so I can climb in with her (my dad's not big on my sleeping in the real bed with them). She was up half the night mumbling things like "one thousand dogs... one thousand dogs... so many dogs... so many dogs...." I can tell by the look in her eyes this morning, once her coffee kicked in, that The 1000 Lab Project is starting to scare her. I know her... she loves a great idea, especially for the good of shelter animals, but she is also timid when it comes to lots and lots of hard work and uncertainty, particularly when she works full time and takes care of our demanding family. I've been giving her extra licks and cuddles today so she'll remember how important it is to raise money for those animals less fortunate than I am.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Birth of The 1000 Lab Project

Good Day! My name is Porkchop, and I am a black Labrador retriever. My mom and dad are the best, not only to me, but today they have decided to begin a project that will help shelter dogs all over northeast Ohio. They are starting something awesome called The 1000 Lab Project. This project will be a venture to raise money for our local animal shelters and will culminate in about a year with 1000 people and their Labrador retrievers getting together for a large group photo! Dogs and their owners who wish to participate in what will most likely be an arial photo shoot in a sports stadium will contribute money for local animal shelters to be in the group photo. A book will be made about the experience and each owner will be given the opportunity to have a section of the book written about their own Lab, complete with an individual picture. The 1000 Lab Project book will be sold to raise money for local shelters. All human participants will get a 1000 Lab Project t-shirt to be worn in the group photo.
How did my mom and dad come up with this idea? Well, it was actually my dad, who is an idea machine! Both he and my mom love musicals and for reasons unbeknownst to him, he has been singing "On This Night of a Thousand Stars" from Evita for days! I heard him today and walked over to him to be petted to the beat. My dad looked at me and changed his tune to "On this night of 1000 Labs...." and as one thought lead to another, he and mom realized that a really good idea was born!